2 Degrees Celsius - Stephanie Ruyle

2 Degrees Celsius - Stephanie Ruyle

Inspiration: Using the collective power of creation and cloth, each member of the group channeled the undercurrents of “Climate Change” to create their block. A UK author said, “Whenever you can’t control the what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond. That’s where your power is.” The quilting evokes rhythmic motion, and the hand-quilted areas call the viewer to consider the quilt’s message on a more personal level.

Quilting: Christine Perrigo (longarm), Stephanie Ruyle (hand quilting)

Size: 70” x 66”

Contributors: Leanne Chahley, Debbie Jeske, Felicity Ronaghan, Marci Debetaz, Karen Foster, Hillary Goodwin, M-R Charbonneau, Anne Sullivan, Silvia Sutters, Stephanie Ruyle

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

International Quilt Festival, Houston, 2019: 3rd Place (Group Quilts)

American Quilter, July 2019 Vol XXV, No. 4 page 58

Festival Of Quilts Virtual Competition, 2020 (short listed, Group Quilts)

Other: The color palette for the quilt was influenced by the art work of Zaria Forman. Completed 2017

Artist: Stephanie Ruyle, @spontaneousthreads, spontaneousthreads.blogspot.com