Baconrific - Debbie Jeske

Baconrific - Debbie Jeske - 2016

Inspiration: “Bacon” may be a strange block prompt, but my beemates understood that a food item was a good fit for “A Quilter’s Table.” Given the freedom to use a mix of fabrics in their blocks, they included velvet, shot cotton, linen, raw silk,, hand-dyes, suede, quilter’s cotton, and even fuzzy selvages. My circle-like pancetta blocks brought everything together.

Design: Original

Quilting: Debbie Jeske

Size: 56” x 64”

Contributors: Leanne Chahley, Marci Debetaz, Felicity Ronaghan, Karen Foster, Kari Vojtechovsky, Stephanie Ruyle, Hillary Goodwin, Anne Sullivan, M-R Charbonneau, Debbie Jeske

Shows and Awards: QuiltCon 2017; International Quilt Festival Special Exhibit “The Quilts of Bee Sewcial” 2022

Other: Curated Quilts Issue #3 Gallery - Minimalistic

Artist: Debbie Jeske, @aquilterstable,

Blogpost: Read more about it