BeeBright - M-R Charbonneau

BeeBright - M-R Charbonneau

Inspiration: My prompt was “Maxi Stripes” (in both color and number) with a thin gray line cutting through the blocks. I pieced the blocks together from the top, then used the gray lines to show the connectedness of the group and the flow of energy from one block to the next. To finish the quilt, I used matchstick quilting to give a weave-like texture, connecting the maxi stripe theme.

Quilting: M-R Charbonneau

Size: 51” x 55”

Contributors: Silvia Sutters, Ken Smith, Debbie Jeske, Karen Foster, Felicity Ronaghan, Leanne Chahley, Stephanie Ruyle, and Marci Debetaz, M-R Charbonneau

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Other: Completed in 2020

Artist: M-R Charbonneau, @quiltmatters,