Chihuly Days and Nights - Stephanie Ruyle

Chihuly Days and Nights - Stephanie Ruyle

Inspiration: This quilt is a celebration of color and shape, conceived after a trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens to see the Dale Chihuly outdoor glass sculpture exhibit in 2014. The richly saturated color palette with striking warm and cool tones sets the backdrop for changing colour-matched free motion quilting. A faced binding allows the composition to take centre stage without a border.

Quilting: Stephanie Ruyle

Size: 60” x 67”

Contributors: Leanne Chahley, Debbie Jeske, Felicity Ronaghan, Marci Debetaz, Hillary Goodwin, Latifah Saafir, Diane Stanley, Melisa Ritchie, Kari Vojetchovsky, Stephanie Ruyle

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Home Machine Quilting and Sewing show, 2016

MQX Quilt Festivals- New England , 2016

Other: Completed 2015

Artist: Stephanie Ruyle, @spontaneousthreads,