Elements - Montana Retreat Group

Elements - Montana Retreat Group

Inspiration: Conceived and pieced on a long weekend

Design: Conceived and pieced on a long weekend retreat in the Montana mountains this quilt is our take on the ever-changing patterns of a Montana summer - bright sunny days with expansive blue skies followed by driving rain with snow on the higher mountain peaks. The color palette was chosen by the group in advance, and the quilting further hightlights the weather theme with an improv forecast map.

Quilting: Christine Perrigo designed an original weather forecast quilt pattern and quilted it with her computer guided long arm machine.

Size: 62: x 46”

Contributors: Leanne Chahley, Felicity Ronaghan, M-R Charbonneau,Kari Vojtechovsky, Karen Foster, Sharyl Sheppard, Christine Perrigo, Stephanie Ruyle

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Other: Completed 2021

Artist: Montana Retreat Group