Flow - Felicity Ronaghan

Flow - Felicity Ronaghan

Inspiration: Inspired by the design I saw on a bag of coffee featuring an underwater mermaid with flowing copper hair, the prompt for this quilt was “Waves, Depth, and Flow”. Quilting in gentle waves in various teal and blue colours keeps with the theme.

Quilting: Felicity Ronaghan

Size: 50” x 70”

Contributors: Marci Debetaz, Debbie Jeske, Leanne Chahley, Stephanie Ruyle, Karen Foster, Felicity Ronaghan, M-R Charbonneau, Silvia Sutters, Anne Sullivan, Hillary Goodwin

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Other: Completed 2020

Artist: Felicity Ronaghan, @felicityquilts, felicityquilts.com