Lined - Debbie Jeske

Lined - Debbie Jeske - 2021

Inspiration: “Fine Line Piecing” was the prompt for this quilt, with the block size being up to the maker. An unexpected surprise in choosing the palette - at least two dark blues in each block, along with the gold-green lines - was the glow that resulted. The blocks drove the final quilt design, with Leanne’s circular block near the center, Marci’s pointed blocks pointing off the quilt, and Ken’s X inspiring the quilting, and the rest in supporting, but important roles.

Quilting: Debbie Jeske

Size: 68” x 68”

Contributors: Kenny Smith, Marci Debetaz, Felicity Ronaghan, Karen Foster, Leanne Chahley, Stephanie Ruyle, M-R Charbonneau, Debbie Jeske

Shows and Awards: International Quilt Festival Special Exhibit “The Quilts of Bee Sewcial” 2022


Artist: Debbie Jeskie, @aquilterstable,

Blogpost: Read more about it