Subtle Secrets - Felicity Ronaghan

Subtle Secrets - Felicity Ronaghan

Inspiration: Using two fabrics with little value or color variation, these traditional blocks were made improvisationally without rulers. Black batting was chosen to feature the seams and subtle color differences of the light blocks and deepen the impact of the darker blocks.

Quilting: Felicity Ronaghan

Size: 46” x 47”

Contributors: M-R Charbonneau, Karen Foster, Stephanie Ruyle, Debbie Jeske, Marci Debetaz, Ken Smith, Leanne Chahley, Felicity Ronaghan

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Other: Completed 2022

Artist: Felicity Ronaghan, @felicityquilts,