Winter - Felicity Ronaghan

Winter - Felicity Ronaghan

Inspiration: The prompt for this quilt was “Abstract Minimalist Winter Landscapes” in neutral grays. I was inspired by memories of snowy winters in my hometown of Toronto, Ontario,Canada.

Quilting: Felicity Ronaghan

Size: 51” x 65”

Contributors: Debbie Jeske, Leanne Chahley, Marci Debetaz, Karen Foster, Kari Vojtechovskhy, Stephanie Ruyle, Hillary Goodwin, Melissa Ritchie, Diane Stanley, Felicity Ronaghan

Shows and Awards:

The Quilts of Bee Sewcial, Special Exhibit, Quilt Festival, Houston, 2022

Other: Completed 2017

Artist: Felicity Ronaghan, @felicityquilts,